Well, almost changing my life. So here's how this began. Yesterday I was running to and from Forum Talbots over to Summit Talbots to do training....in the hurry I had to swing through Taco Bell to get lunch. I say "had to" because I was starving and unfortunately it sounded good. As I was eating it in the office it tasted so-so, but smelt awful yucky. Then later, I felt even yuck-ier.
That night at dinner I still felt icky in my belly. I had some apples that night for dinner time snack and that was about it.
Then today I'm enjoying a nice day off, slept in til 730, had an hour long massage (great job Liz at Beyond Massage, seriously my favorite massage of my life was today...you should go see her too) and came home to enjoy the patio and reading a magazine in the gorgeous sunshine that is today. I'm reading SELF magazine that has so many great ideas and ways to care for our bodies and our lives. I came across probably the best smoothie recipe ever!
Peanut Butter-Banana Smoothie
In a blender, process 1 sliced banana, 1/4 cup plain non fat yogurt, 1/2 cup 1 percent milk, 1/4 cup quick cooking oats, 1/2 cup crushed ice, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1tsp maple syrup and a pinch of nutmeg (I used cinnamon); blend until smooth.
Seriously, you can run in the kitchen and whip it up. I will wait for you....I promise, you probably have everything in the pantry and fridge that you need. Go ahead. Its meant for breakfast but I think its the yummiest 386 calories smoothie so its good for every meal.
Are you back? yummy, huh?
So while I was enjoying my smoothie and my little kitty Emaline in awe of the blender's sound and wonder.....I began to wonder too.
Why do so many good things for my body like Zumba class, running at the gym, crunches, massages, and not eat better for my body? Why settle for Taco Bell?
My response.....its so much easier. I despise going to the grocery and am so thrilled when hubby goes one day while I'm working. (hint hint :)) And also I run around so much that sometimes a grab and go meal is just the only thing I can get.
So with that said.
Taco Bell thank you for changing my life.
Starting today I'm truly going to put forth effort to better the things I put into my body. I'm going to keep my fridge stocked with lemon water and enjoy its refreshing all summer long. I'm going to surf smoothie recipes and actually be a breakfast eater and jump start my day. I'm going to see how long I can strike from any quick processed meals. I'm going to continue the delight of the crock pot and the way it works for my crazy work schedule.
What healthy tips can you share? Add a comment of a recipe link. What promises are you making to your body and your food consumption?
Let's get in this together.......we're both enjoying that smoothie right now, right? What else is oh so yummy and not served from a drive thru?
Living Joyfully
Finding Joy in the simple day to day.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
Nefarious......unveiling the reality of human trafficking around the world.
Rave motion pictures Stonybrook 2745 S Hurstbourne Pkwy
will have a free showing April 18th Wednesday at 7pm.
See how you can be a modern day abolitionist.
Nefarious......unveiling the reality of human trafficking around the world.
Rave motion pictures Stonybrook 2745 S Hurstbourne Pkwy
will have a free showing April 18th Wednesday at 7pm.
See how you can be a modern day abolitionist.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Scheming for the Kingdom
"Scheming for the Kingdom" by Daniel Montgomery
Had some "church" at home this morning listening to past sermons from our church. Love this one. Daniel is truly gifted as our pastor to give truth bluntly! love it!
So good to absorb most def during Holy Week. Talking about we can't serve two masters. Is Jesus really running my show? on some days, no way, I hold too tightly to the reins.
I especially loved the portion about "its like trying to work two 9-5 jobs." I can really relate. The past 2 weeks I've been store manager of both Louisville locations. Last week I felt like I was only giving 75% to each store.....not ok. My store needs me 100%. And if you do the math....75 plus 75 =150. Exhausting. So made me think....I can't give anyone a halfsie of myself. Especially not Jesus. He gave me way over 100% all the way on a cross. So how am I trying to serve He and.....fill in the blank. My job>My wants>my Sleep>my Pride> whatever takes priority that day.
So no, its exhausting and its not what's required of me. To whom much is given, much is required. Am I giving it all? Where should I be "scheming"? I love that.
So be prepared....next time you ask me, whats up? or what's going on in my life?
I'm gonna say "well I'm now scheming about......"
I think my latest scheme is about getting to know my new Talbots team. I'm scheming about reading this new book "everything must change" a book about really seeing Jesus love take over the world HERE and NOW. Not waiting to see eternal life then, but on earth here and now. Who's in my life that needs Jesus healing power and absorbing love to rock them silly?
I'm scheming about moreloveletters.com. Thanks Sarah VB for the recommendation. I wanna get involved with women who need freedom all over this world. I'm doing a book group with some ladies on So long Insecurity by Beth Moore. How can I build security and dignity by letters of love to the women in India. Check out the site, its awesome! Current project is ANCHAL. And how so super God that there is a founder of the group here in Louisville.
So, I hope my blog and Daniel's sermon inspire you to get SCHEMING!
get to dreamin' and schemin' as he says :)
Perhaps its the new mini cooper that's bringing out The Italian Job schemer in me?! ;) he he
"Scheming for the Kingdom" by Daniel Montgomery
Had some "church" at home this morning listening to past sermons from our church. Love this one. Daniel is truly gifted as our pastor to give truth bluntly! love it!
So good to absorb most def during Holy Week. Talking about we can't serve two masters. Is Jesus really running my show? on some days, no way, I hold too tightly to the reins.
I especially loved the portion about "its like trying to work two 9-5 jobs." I can really relate. The past 2 weeks I've been store manager of both Louisville locations. Last week I felt like I was only giving 75% to each store.....not ok. My store needs me 100%. And if you do the math....75 plus 75 =150. Exhausting. So made me think....I can't give anyone a halfsie of myself. Especially not Jesus. He gave me way over 100% all the way on a cross. So how am I trying to serve He and.....fill in the blank. My job>My wants>my Sleep>my Pride> whatever takes priority that day.
So no, its exhausting and its not what's required of me. To whom much is given, much is required. Am I giving it all? Where should I be "scheming"? I love that.
So be prepared....next time you ask me, whats up? or what's going on in my life?
I'm gonna say "well I'm now scheming about......"
I think my latest scheme is about getting to know my new Talbots team. I'm scheming about reading this new book "everything must change" a book about really seeing Jesus love take over the world HERE and NOW. Not waiting to see eternal life then, but on earth here and now. Who's in my life that needs Jesus healing power and absorbing love to rock them silly?
I'm scheming about moreloveletters.com. Thanks Sarah VB for the recommendation. I wanna get involved with women who need freedom all over this world. I'm doing a book group with some ladies on So long Insecurity by Beth Moore. How can I build security and dignity by letters of love to the women in India. Check out the site, its awesome! Current project is ANCHAL. And how so super God that there is a founder of the group here in Louisville.
So, I hope my blog and Daniel's sermon inspire you to get SCHEMING!
get to dreamin' and schemin' as he says :)
Perhaps its the new mini cooper that's bringing out The Italian Job schemer in me?! ;) he he
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
honey-did list
So my hubby has become quite the designer in our home. If I'm stumped by what to do or in a design rut, he comes through. Those first married years of HGTV addiction have came through for us! ha ha.
Those of you who know Nathaniel, know how he loves to stay busy and on projects....so here is me bragging on him, and a few of the recent projects he's done around nos casa :)
Those of you who know Nathaniel, know how he loves to stay busy and on projects....so here is me bragging on him, and a few of the recent projects he's done around nos casa :)
We found these awesome porcelain doves at Target that flank on both sides of the window. Also, the newly painted bedroom in this soothing soft sky blue 'he' picked out.
The bedroom color turned out awesome! and more super finds from target, notice the cute white retro lamps.
What girl doesn't love her closet? Being in retail I'm a bit ocd on the colors together and from light to dark, plus when we moved we put together this fun scarf display.
Now this is the project I think Nathaniel is most proud of. We were trying to find an agreement on spa-ifying the bathroom, i wanted tree wallpaper, he thought real wood would be better. And he was right. Yes, I just typed that honey :) This endeavor of encompassing the garden tub with surrounding spa wood was a lot of work, measurements, multiple trips to Home Depot, and a bit of help from handyman David (dad) :). Turned out gorgeous though. I love walking in here everyday.
And then he had this great idea for storing my bath salts in these great little urns with wooden spoons. Too cute. And bonus, it makes the bathroom smell good everytime you walk in.
This is the other side of the so gorgeous robin's egg meets Tiffany blue bathroom. These awesome flowers were picked out by Nathaniel himself at the very awesome Target. Can't get enough of their accessories :)
We were all about the bathroom this winter, a towel warmer and white robe from his mom, and the plushest bath towels from my mom and dad.
Next up, we are spicing up things in the guest bedrooms. You know what I mean.
Spicing up things with design :) More pics to come as the projects on honey-do list, become Honey-DID :)
Monday, January 9, 2012
clash of Grief and Faith.....I don't belong here
Just last week on New Year's Day, Nathaniel and I were both talking about how death had surely played such a part in the year 2011. We knew several people who were tragically killed in accidents, health issues, etc. And as we grow older its surely something none of us can escape. We all have an expiration date. It just isn't as clearly printed for all to see such as the expiration date on the milk jug.
Through the year we had several chats about our mortality and how knowing where we are going is supposed to make death less scary. But somedays its still totally scary. My granny who is 87 told me she's not afraid of death at all. And that is so comforting to me. She inspires me to grow in my faith. She is so confident in her creator who made her, her Savior who died for her, and her salvation that carries her through each day. She inspires me to build on my faith even though I've never been to heaven, "I can only imagine."
And so that was last week's conversation inspired by the tragic death of a friend's 17 year old brother on a dirtbike accident. A video posted on Facebook showed footage from the last few hours of Dylan First and the photo montage played Switchfoot's "Beautiful Let Down" in the background. The words of the song, the legacy of a short life, and the inspiration of 8 young people who came to know Christ at the same retreat where Dylan was taken, they brought a smile as tears poured down.
And then it seems God continues this ever present theme of Grief and Faith in my world.
I've been reading Same kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. (thanks Jackie for the recommendation ;)) The book is about an art dealer and a homeless man and the unlikely lovely woman that brings them together. I can't tell you too much about it, because you really ought to just read it for yourself :) seriously. Its so Powerful. But in the book they quote C.S. Lewis and his theological thought on Grief and Faith,
"The tortures occur," he wrote. "If they are unnecessary, then there is no God, or a bad one." If there is a good God, then these tortures are necessary for no even moderately good Being could possibly inflict of permit them if they weren't."
I love that. You know why? Because it shows me there is a God and He is Good even when grief occurs. Because good always come after. Whether we see it immediately, whether we like it or what have preferred otherwise. He always brings good from it. Romans 8:28 says, "God works together for good all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes."
You might have heard about the accident Sunday morning on Whipps Mill and Hurstbourne. or read about it on the news.
Headed out the door to church Sunday we got a call from my mother in law. Nathaniel came to grab me and said, "Let's Go." We headed to straight to Hilary's house. You see the "witness" in the above mentioned new article was my mother in law. On her way to church she came upon this wreck that had just happened. The car was pinned in between rows of trees and the bystanders and neighbors couldn't get the front doors of the suv opened to get the brother and sister who were inside, out of the car. So Hilary, being a nurse, reacted to the two injured and was holding the head of the woman who passed away and felt her pulse slowly but surely give way. We sat and talked with her at her house afterwards as she cried. She had just seen last breaths taken and a young 33 year old woman pass on to eternity.
So I hear you God and I hear your message, "I don't belong here." Switchfoot sang it, Paul and apostle wrote about it, and Jesus lived his life preaching it and taking the message all the way to the cross.
Here I am today, looking at life through the young eyes of 28 years old, chasing after understanding how a God of the universe loves me and gave the blood of his Son Jesus christ for me, and living a life that sings "I don't belong here."
Through the year we had several chats about our mortality and how knowing where we are going is supposed to make death less scary. But somedays its still totally scary. My granny who is 87 told me she's not afraid of death at all. And that is so comforting to me. She inspires me to grow in my faith. She is so confident in her creator who made her, her Savior who died for her, and her salvation that carries her through each day. She inspires me to build on my faith even though I've never been to heaven, "I can only imagine."
And so that was last week's conversation inspired by the tragic death of a friend's 17 year old brother on a dirtbike accident. A video posted on Facebook showed footage from the last few hours of Dylan First and the photo montage played Switchfoot's "Beautiful Let Down" in the background. The words of the song, the legacy of a short life, and the inspiration of 8 young people who came to know Christ at the same retreat where Dylan was taken, they brought a smile as tears poured down.
And then it seems God continues this ever present theme of Grief and Faith in my world.
I've been reading Same kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. (thanks Jackie for the recommendation ;)) The book is about an art dealer and a homeless man and the unlikely lovely woman that brings them together. I can't tell you too much about it, because you really ought to just read it for yourself :) seriously. Its so Powerful. But in the book they quote C.S. Lewis and his theological thought on Grief and Faith,
"The tortures occur," he wrote. "If they are unnecessary, then there is no God, or a bad one." If there is a good God, then these tortures are necessary for no even moderately good Being could possibly inflict of permit them if they weren't."
I love that. You know why? Because it shows me there is a God and He is Good even when grief occurs. Because good always come after. Whether we see it immediately, whether we like it or what have preferred otherwise. He always brings good from it. Romans 8:28 says, "God works together for good all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes."
You might have heard about the accident Sunday morning on Whipps Mill and Hurstbourne. or read about it on the news.
Headed out the door to church Sunday we got a call from my mother in law. Nathaniel came to grab me and said, "Let's Go." We headed to straight to Hilary's house. You see the "witness" in the above mentioned new article was my mother in law. On her way to church she came upon this wreck that had just happened. The car was pinned in between rows of trees and the bystanders and neighbors couldn't get the front doors of the suv opened to get the brother and sister who were inside, out of the car. So Hilary, being a nurse, reacted to the two injured and was holding the head of the woman who passed away and felt her pulse slowly but surely give way. We sat and talked with her at her house afterwards as she cried. She had just seen last breaths taken and a young 33 year old woman pass on to eternity.
So I hear you God and I hear your message, "I don't belong here." Switchfoot sang it, Paul and apostle wrote about it, and Jesus lived his life preaching it and taking the message all the way to the cross.
Here I am today, looking at life through the young eyes of 28 years old, chasing after understanding how a God of the universe loves me and gave the blood of his Son Jesus christ for me, and living a life that sings "I don't belong here."
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Dancing into the new year
So this New Year's Eve we did something different. Nathaniel's friend Carlos invited us to a swanky party at the Seelbach Hotel where he was dj-ing. It was a great time to dance it out, enjoy a yummy, buffet and dance in the new year. I think it was a great kickoff because dancing has a lot to do with the way we live life. You can wonder what people are thinking of you, if your moves are just right, or if you are really on beat? Or......you can just get out there, wiggle, and dance like nobody's watching. And that is how I want to live too. So 2012.....Here we go! Let's wiggle a little!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas Caroling-----Elf style

So last night we did a girls Christmas Caroling Event. Our troop fell from a larger attendance down to 4 with Christmas busy season, ear infections and the like. So the four of us headed out to conquer the grandmas at home and neighbors near by. Our first stop was Grandma Cuddles and she was so surprised. "I've been here over 40 years and never had carolers," Grandma Cuddles told. So we sang our little hearts out to her and left her with some pretzel stick candy canes. ( So easy recipe below)
Then we stood on her sidewalk planning our next stop and trying to coordinate our song lineup a little better. "You need a flashlight, honey?" Grandma asked re-opening her front door. Such a granny thing to say right? So sweet.
So off we were to the next stop. Sadly we knocked and rang the bell. Sat. No answer. Ok, you sure do look like you are at home Martha with so many lights on. So you know what? We called her. Answering machine. No problem. We sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" into their machine. However, somehow Jackie and I simultaneously changed the line "Good tidings we bring to you and your kin" to "Good tidings we bring, wherever you are."
Now its kinda funny that we did this together without planning or thinking, but simply both forgetting the lyrics and improvising. Even better is that our friend Susan was with us who just moved from Indonesia 5 months ago and now we have permanately helped her memorize the song incorrectly.
Next stop, the lady was seriously so excited she was jumping up and down and clapping. She ran to get her husband and granddaughter and opened up the door for the whole family to take in our "wonderful" voices. It was fabulous to be so welcomed. After a round of "Jingle Bells" accompanied by my clever car keys from my pocket and our ever popular "We wish you a Merrry Christmas", the husband asked could he sing one to us. The next sound to fill the streets of St Matthews was a booming Frank Sinatra voice singing "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas." It was good fun for all. And a little less painful on the ears.
Our final stop we had to plan a bit as it was a drive further across town. So I called my Meemaw and planned to hang up if she answered, by that we would know she was home and made the trek across town. Alright, she answered. However, 5 minutes after my hang up, my cell phone rings, "Meemaw calling." Crap. When did Meemaw start using caller id. Welcome to 2011, right?
We were able to surprise her anyhow and sing her a song on her front steps all the same. And as Grandmas do she invited us in to visit and we caught up on family a bit before us carolers headed off to the Deli to feed our bellies.
All in all it was a wonderful night of caroling. Fun for those we visited as many had never had carolers before. Fun for us, because while most of us had caroled before, Susan never had, and I can say I've never caroled with an Indonesian :)
So I agree with Buddy. It doesn't take a well trained voice or a group of 10 or more. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
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